Saturday, February 27, 2016

Famous - Red & White Combo.

Interiors means simply making a place interesting, well utilized and impressive for all seasons. No matter what the season is passing by, no matter what the style is getting changed, no matter what are the new up gradations coming up line by line.. few styling remain constant with that special impressive looks and killer attitude. Yes the famous "Red and White" combo which might be quite common but has its own unique style of covering interiors with love, calm, styling and impression. 

The passionate red fills the atmosphere with love whereas the pure white adds in pinch of peace, calm and sensitivity to the interiors. Make a special room for these special colors to effect your interiors and life in a very positive and progressive manner. 

Red and white combo in short the hot and sweet flavor of design can be used for any room, for every age group, for any purpose. It has that versatile quality to adjust in each and every kind of interiors or space. It never demands any special or extra space. 

Interiors with sober looks, chic, style and simplicity is in demand always. It is a fashion which will never ever fade away. It has that power of ruling for years. Make your interiors simple yet stylish, hot yet sweet and accomplish your dream room or dream house planning and styling. 

Friday, February 26, 2016

Cozy Setup.

Interior designing is an art of proper placement, attractive and impressive design ideas and best utilization of space and other elements present in the respective space. At times we go for very clean and disciplined designing, sometimes we prefer a shabby look for our room sweet room and may be a modern touch might attract us for the time being. Basically it is all about choices and personal preferences. But ever thought of preparing up a lazy corner or a lazy design setting which can perfectly match up your lazy weekend mood. Yes I am talking about cozy design setup for your lazy bones which do tickle a lot on holidays or weekends. Here are few ways to create that temporary lazy nooks, niches and rooms for your weekend fun and relaxation. 

  • Huge single sofa chair with a some really cozy cuddled cushion on it kept beside your bedroom or living room window is not an bad idea. Make yourself comfortable and relaxed with some books or music. Choice is completely yours. 

  • Let your living room sofa be merged up with lots of colorful cushions to make your living room bright as well as to give you a perfect feel of coziness and relaxed atmosphere. At times circular sofa or U shape sofa do work a lot with such kind of settings. 

  • Bed dear bed, who does actually wants to come out of it during a vacation or a weekend. Guess none of us... !! Make it more comfortable, even lazier and cozier with the wide range of big small or medium sized pillow or cushion.

  • Few people are not as lazy as we usually think for all. Some of them are work lovers even at weekend time. Yes that work definitely might be connected with some hobby, other kind of activity etc. Make a good place for them to be comfortable and prepare an elegant place to make them sit and work in a comfort cozy zone with the help of cushion, bright flowers, some of the nice crockery or vases aside. Basically provide life to coziness as well. 

  • What about a cozy winter setting with sun kissing you when you are lying on your cuddling sofa with lots of cushion on it. I know sounds very comfortable, majestic and appealing. Placement of sofa near your living room window is one of the best places to get that pinch of winter corner. 

  • Now last but not the least, something from the grand pa's warehouse. Must have heard about the famous saying "old is gold" and it is definitely of it. Try out some vintage huge furniture, ottoman, floral print sofa upholstery, something from the country side. Nothing as be more cozier than this. 
Prepare your interiors as you like. Interior is a very free and practical style of designing. It always mold accordingly to your personal choices and preferences. You just need to put the right thing at the right place at the right time. Hope to see you guys soon with another interesting topic..... after-all Interiors is a wide unending subject to be discussed and talked about..! 

handmade designer furniture 2016